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Arriving Late to School

Tardy-Late to School:  Any student who arrives late to school must check in to the attendance office either with a parent or a written note from their parent/medical office to get a pass to enter class. 
Students who arrive between classes, during break or at lunch must also check in at the attendance office.  Attendance is taken each class period, checking in to the attendance office will verify attendance for any missed class.
Students who arrive to class late create a disruption, regardless of the reason, and will be marked tardy.  California State law excuses tardies for illness and medical appointments; unfortunately, we are unable to excuse tardies for traffic, rain, car difficulties, or any other circumstance not listed under “Excused.” 
Tardy-Late to Class: A student is tardy when he/she is not in a seat in class when the first bell rings to begin class.  The only way to excuse a tardy is for a student to have a note (with the student’s name, date, and time) signed by a staff member. Since classroom tardies disrupt the educational environment and affect the classroom teacher directly, parents cannot excuse classroom tardies.  *An absence is recorded if a student is more than 30 minutes late to class.