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Help keep our school safe. Click the picture above to get the SaySomething App and more information.

Sandy Hook Promise's Say Something Anonymous Reporting System allows students, parents, and community members to submit secure & anonymous safety concerns to help identify and intervene upon at-risk individuals BEFORE they hurt themselves or others. Your tips are uploaded with secure intel to a live 24/7 crisis center where all tips reported are managed until the cases are resolved. The system enables school administrators and law enforcement to create effective interventions and to help prevent violence, suicide, bullying, self-harm and other forms of threatening behavior.


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Counselor's Corner

Need to see the School Counselor

Need to see the School Counselorcommentslight

Follow The Instructions Below:
NOTE: This form is not monitored 24/7.  If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988, 911, or go to the nearest emergency room for immediate assistance. 
If you are a student, parent/guardian, or staff member, you can click the button below and fill out the Referral Form to share information with our school counselors- Mrs. Avila (Students with last names beginning with A - K), and Mrs. Butler (Students with last names beginning with L - Z). Mrs. Avila or Mrs. Butler with follow up with your referral. 

Si eres un estudiante (o padres/guardianes de un estudiante) y quieres hablar con Mrs. Avila (A-K), Mrs. Butler (L-Z) (la consejera de la escuela), puedes usar esta forma para informarnos un poco sobre lo que pasa y nos pondremos en contacto con usted pronto.
Click the Button below or use this QR Code to forward you to the Referral Form: Referral QR
Mrs. Avila

School Counselor
Mrs. Avila

Students assigned with last names starting A - K
Work: 949-498-1660
Ext: 22008
Days: Monday - Friday
Hours: 8:00 am - 3:35 pm
Mrs. Butler

School Counselor
Mrs. Butler

Students assigned with last names starting L - Z
Work: 949-498-1660
Ext: 22015
Days: Monday - Friday
Hours: 8:00 am - 3:35 pm
Counselor's Vision Statement

Counselor's Vision Statement

The School Counseling Program strives to provide opportunities so that every student will acquire the social-emotional,academic, and career skills to reach their fullest educational potential and successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent and productive citizens who repect themselves and others. 
Counselor's Mission Statement

Counselor's Mission Statement

The mission of Capistrano Unified School District School Counselors is to provide a comprehensive counseling program that supports the whole child. School Counselors will focus on the needs, interests and issues related to social-emotional, academic, college/career development of all students through a multi-tiered system of support. School Counselors will advocate, collaborate and facilitate actions that promote a positive school climate, provide an opportunity for all students to access their education and achieve personal and academic success to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.  
Duties of a School Counselor

Duties of a School Counselor

Classroom guidance lessons / School-wide assemblies/activities / Parent education workshops / Staff professional development workshops / Small group counseling / Short-term individual counseling / Community referrals / Conflict mediations

Students receive services at all levels, depending on need.

students coming out of school buses